
Access to the Temple

During a visit to South Florida, Brother Ashton Bristol shared this encouraging word, taking us throughout scriptural history and revealing the desire at the heart of every person to “enter the temple”—to have intimate access to the God of the universe. Thanks be to God, through the work of the Lord Jesus, the veil has been rent!



Are You Full?

Brother Luke Harriman asks the question this morning, “Are you full?” When we fill our hearts and minds with the Lord Jesus, all else begins to fall into place.




During our most recent open Sunday School, Brother Ken and Sister Carolyn Huebner shared several songs with us that were drawn from biblical stories, drawing out lessons from each that are practical and inspiring.



At the Potter's House, Part 2

Brother Norris Clarke concludes his thoughts on Jeremiah’s experience with the Lord at the potter’s house, reflecting on the significance of the wheel and the clay.



The Eternal Counsels Concerning the Lamb

Brother Howard Gordon presented a wide range of scriptures concerning the Lamb of God and His glorious work, moving from God’s counsels in eternity past all the way to the blessed consummation of His purposes in the eternal state of the Day of God.



What Are We Doing Here?

During a visit to South Florida, Brother Howard Gordon was gracious enough to take the opportunity (on short notice :) to speak to our open Sunday School regarding what Scripture says about our purpose.



Thy Name We Love Lord Jesus

During a visit to South Florida, Brother Howard Gordon shared these reflections on some of the names given to the Lord Jesus in the Scriptures. To love His name is to love His matchless character.



At the Potter's House, Part 1

Brother Norris Clarke took us to Jeremiah 18 and the lessons from the Potter’s house. How good to know that we are in the Potter’s hands and that He will shape us as He sees fit.



Taking Heed to the Word

Brother Ken Huebner shared these thoughts from the second section of Psalm 119, verses 9 through 16, on the many blessings that come to us when we take heed to the Word of God.



Enter Into His Rest

Luke Harriman delivered this message of encouragement to enter the rest of the Lord. When He said, “It is finished” on the cross, our salvation was secured. Now, we work from that rest.



Lessons from the Rich Young Ruler

Brother Collin shared with us this challenge from the experience of the rich young ruler who approached the Lord Jesus in search of eternal life. When told he needed to give his all to follow Him, this man went away sad. May we aspire to give our all to Jesus and serve Him wholeheartedly!



While We Wait

Brother Collin shared this encouragement from Acts 1 concerning what we do while we wait for the Lord’s return.



Death Isn't Always So Bad

Brother Laurel Smalling turns our eyes to the fact that sometimes death can be a means for God to take us to the next level; it isn’t always the worst thing that can happen.



Three Faithful Examples

During his visit to South Florida, Brother Ruel Clarke shared this message of encouragement with the assembly, highlighting examples of a faithful man, a faithful woman, and a faithful young person, each one inspiring us to keep our eyes fixed on the Lord in the midst of the challenges we face.



My Soul Thirsts for God

Brother Luke Harriman read from Psalm 42, considering its relevance for the Lord Jesus’s experiences in His incarnation—particularly, His sufferings on the cross, where He cried out, “I thirst.”
