
Responding to Fiery Trials

As we continue to pray for those losing so much to the California wildfires, Brother Luke Harriman shares a few thoughts that we can learn from the fiery trials that often come into our lives.



Peter's Sermon at Pentecost

Brother Colbert Martin shared this reflection on the sermon Peter preached in Acts 2, calling his hearers to submit to Christ, who has been raised from the dead and seated at the right hand of the Father in glory in honor.



The Miraculous Birth ... of Samson!

Although the biblical character, Samson, has many faults, his birth reminds us in many ways of the birth of the Lord Jesus and of his herald, John the Baptist. As in the case of the Lord’s nativity, Samson’s birth features an angelic messenger, miraculous circumstances, and fear and trembling. Brother Luke Harriman uses this story to remind us to expect the unexpected this holiday season.



Jesus Never Fails

In his message of encouragement on this past Lord’s Day, Brother Kazi Chhetri shared the most wonderful news of his daughter’s decision to come to Christ for salvation. What a joy to know, as she herself reminds all of us, that “Jesus never fails!”



The Journey of Elisha

During our open Sunday School session, Brother Nevin Koshy shared this meditation on the four locations Elisha traveled with Elijah before receiving his prophetic mantel. Each location carries significance for us as we consider our own spiritual journey with the Lord.



We See Jesus

During a visit to Lake Worth, Brother Howard Gordan from Jamaica shared this encouraging word on what it means for us to “see Jesus” in the context of our worship.



Love the Lord Your God

Brother Ken Huebner took us through the many places the “greatest commandment” is shared in the Bible, reminding us to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. May this be increasingly true of us!



Softly and Tenderly

Brother Kazi Chhetri reflects on the words to this beloved hymn, where we see the Lord gently calling all people who are weary and heavy laden to come to Him and find rest.



A Little Lower than the Angels

Brother Luke Harriman presented this brief meditation on the quotation of Psalm 8 in the letter to the Hebrews. “But we see Jesus.” What impact will it have on us as we see the true Son of Man crowned with glory and honor?



The God Who Stoops

One of our hymns this morning asks, “And did the Holy and the Just / The Sovereign of the skies / Stoop down to man’s estate and dust / That guilty worms might rise?” Brother Luke Harriman shared these four times in the Gospel of John where the Lord Jesus stoops down in the dirt. Truly there is no depth to which He wouldn’t stoop to show His love for us!



Are Your Spiritual Batteries Charged?

During our open Sunday School this month, Brother Kazi Chhetri challenged us to think about whether we are keeping our spiritual batteries charged. This parable-like teaching had many practical applications for all of us, young and old alike.



Access to the Temple

During a visit to South Florida, Brother Ashton Bristol shared this encouraging word, taking us throughout scriptural history and revealing the desire at the heart of every person to “enter the temple”—to have intimate access to the God of the universe. Thanks be to God, through the work of the Lord Jesus, the veil has been rent!



Are You Full?

Brother Luke Harriman asks the question this morning, “Are you full?” When we fill our hearts and minds with the Lord Jesus, all else begins to fall into place.




During our most recent open Sunday School, Brother Ken and Sister Carolyn Huebner shared several songs with us that were drawn from biblical stories, drawing out lessons from each that are practical and inspiring.



At the Potter's House, Part 2

Brother Norris Clarke concludes his thoughts on Jeremiah’s experience with the Lord at the potter’s house, reflecting on the significance of the wheel and the clay.



The Eternal Counsels Concerning the Lamb

Brother Howard Gordon presented a wide range of scriptures concerning the Lamb of God and His glorious work, moving from God’s counsels in eternity past all the way to the blessed consummation of His purposes in the eternal state of the Day of God.



What Are We Doing Here?

During a visit to South Florida, Brother Howard Gordon was gracious enough to take the opportunity (on short notice :) to speak to our open Sunday School regarding what Scripture says about our purpose.



Thy Name We Love Lord Jesus

During a visit to South Florida, Brother Howard Gordon shared these reflections on some of the names given to the Lord Jesus in the Scriptures. To love His name is to love His matchless character.
